Pauline Grayson - Muffin Grayson

Originally designed cute, quirky and fun illustrations with hand drawn type that are printed on posters, cards, journals, calendars, buttons, fabric and more.

Visit my website or follow on Instagram @muffinhgrayson.

I will be joining the Bazaar Dec 4-6 and Dec 11-13.

Elizabeth Estes - Buttons and Badges

Visit our Etsy shop.

We will be joining the Bazaar Dec 4-6 and Dec 11-13.

The Estes Girls | My Button Boutique

We make all things buttons! Including our handy and stylish pocket mirrors, bobby pins, ponytails, magnets, earrings, zipper pulls, etc. etc. We also plan to bring in some DIY button kits! We are always trying to keep our items fresh, fun, and beautiful! We are also in the process of creating new items just for the Beehive Bazaar! Visit us here.

Ashley Giessing | Isabell's Umbrella

Isabell's Umbrella grew from an obsession with stationery, writing instruments and design. Ashley Giessing, owner/artist, believes she should have been born in the nineteenth century, when all correspondence was done by hand.

Specializing in stationery that will lift the clouds of a rainy day, Ashley’s hopes are to renew the lost "art" of hand correspondence by creating stationery you will want to share with others. "There is nothing that means more to me than a kind, heartfelt, handwritten note from someone I love."

Seriously cute stationery, buttons, pillows, artwork and children clothing are just a part of my line-up.

Visit me here...