ornaments, stocking stuffers, gift toppers and such

stained glass star by Nikki Jackson

tiny Santa gourd ornament by Ana Roberts

clay heart gift topper or ornament by Hailey Liechty

super-wacky fun bubble blowers by Hailey Liechty

snowman gourd ornament by Ana Roberts

Check back tomorrow for a sneak peek just after everyone has set up their goods, but before the doors have open. I'm so excited to see what the talented artists and crafters have been working so hard on. No doubt it will be amazing stuff- can't-buy-it-in-stores, handmade, local, super-clever goods! I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!

gingerbread extravaganza

This gingerbread house just won a blue ribbon in the Gingerbread Festival at Thanksgiving Point. Could you die?... I don't think I've ever seen such an amazing work in gingerbread (click on the image to see the picture full-size).
Lisa Greenhalgh has over 20 years experience in designing and building gingerbread houses. We are happy to feature her amazing talents as part of the show this Christmas. She will be making houses that are just a little bit smaller than this scrumptious castle, although she will make special orders... Each house she makes has a different theme, from the fun 'Polka-Dot Place' to the 'Chocolate Manor' there is one that will tickle your fancy. They smell delicious and will charm young and old alike. It's a Christmas tradition your family will love...and they make wonderful gifts!


Bridget McKinley, clever and crafty to no end, is joining the Beehive Bazaar this Christmas. Her banners are darling, amazing and much cuter than anything I have seen in stores. I hear she might be making birthday hats too, you can see a greenish one in the foreground of the first picture. I think I need one for every occasion. Check her out on her blog, she's got some delicious culinary ideas that might leave you hanking to whip something up in the kitchen.


Ana Roberts gourds are back! She does such a great job, I can't wait to see what designs she comes up with this year. She makes a wide assortment of large gourds like- Santa and Mrs. Claus, sugarplum fairies,(pictured above, she has the cutest wire wings on her back you can't see in this picture) snowmen, and elves. She makes smaller gourd ornaments as well, Santa and snowmen... great for gifts or a little treat for your own house.